Sl.No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. |
1 | Dr. H.Lianzela | Secretary | 0389-2335816(O) |
2 | K.Lalrinkima | Additional Secretary | 0389-2333046(O) |
3 | H. Lalchhandami | Controller of Examinations | 0389-2335812(O) |
4 | K. Rosiamliana | Joint Secretary | 0389-2335819(O) |
5 | Lalsawmzuala | Deputy Secretary | 0389-2335815(O) |
6 | Vanlaltanpuia | Joint Controller of Examinations | |
7 | Ngurmuankima Sailo | Under Secretary | 0389-2335820(O) |
8 | R.Lalthantluanga | Deputy Controller of Examination | 0389-2335815(O) |
9 | Hmingthanchhunga | Superintendent | 0389-2335815(O) |
10 | C Lalparmawii | Asst. Controller of Examinations (C) | |
11 | Zohmangaiha | Asst. Controller of Examinations (D) |
Function of MPSCComposition of MPSCHistory of MPSCConstitutional Provision of MPSCRules and RegulationsOfficers in MPSC
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